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Buíon Gang People Relationships Activities The city Adjectives Log in to hear
Táim i mo chónaí i mBéal an Átha i gContae Mhaigh Eo I live in Ballina in County Mayo Geographical terms Place names The city The home Prepositions
Táim i mo chónaí i mBeithigh Bheag I live on the Behy Road Places Everyday phrases Transport The city Verbs
Condae Mhaigh Eo In County Mayo Geographical terms Place names The city
an áit a dtugann siad "the dock" ar, thíos anseo the place they call "the dock", down here. Place names The city Geographical terms Everyday phrases Objects
Soir ansin To the east, there Geographical terms Prepositions The city Place names Direction
bhí fear there was a man People Verbs Everyday phrases Physical descriptions The city
shiúil siad ar fhad a bhóthar they walked along the road Activities Verbs Prepositions The city Transport
agus d'imigh na rubálaidhe leofa and the robbers went off Activities People Verbs Idioms The city
Réiteoidh sac agus cuirfidh thú féin agus Caolchat sa tsac agus buailfidh an sac ar mo dhroim agus gabhfaidh muid isteach agus amach chun an bhaile mhóir agus iarrfaidh sibh coiscéim a shiúil. "I will prepare a sack and put you and Skinny Cat in the sack and I will put the sack on my back and we will go in and out to the big city and you will not have to walk a step." Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink People The city
"Bhoil, rabh ariamh sa mbaile mór," arsa Pílí Cat ,"tá ag dúil go mór leis! "Well, I've never been to the big city," said Pílí Cat, "I'm really looking forward to it!" Everyday phrases Feelings People The city Adjectives
" "Ah," a deir Seán, "tá muid ag goil 'na bhaile mhóir inniu. "Ah," says Seán, "we are going to the big town today. Everyday phrases People The city Adjectives Time
Bhí fear cneasta, oibre ag goil an bóthar. An honest working man was travelling along the road. Adjectives Activities People Transport The city
Bhog siad leo chun bóthair. They went along the road. Activities Transport Verbs The city Place names
Is as Cathair Na Mart mé. I am from Westport. Geographical terms The city People Pronouns Everyday phrases