Irish English Tags Audio
Marbhfháisc ort The death cowl on you Life & death Feelings Objects Physical contact Adjectives Log in to hear
Gach fhocal Every second word Everyday phrases Adjectives Language Grammar Objects Log in to hear
cúlra background Abstract nouns Objects Places Log in to hear
Forbairt ghréasáin Web development Activities Objects Work Technology Language Log in to hear
táirgí products Objects Food and drink Money Activities Everyday phrases
táirgeadh product Objects Food and drink Money Activities Abstract nouns
scagadh filter Activities Objects Verbs Everyday phrases Tools
Scloig Shkinny lad with a big Adam's apple Adjectives Animals People Physical descriptions Objects
clab mouth Anatomy The body Objects
cab beard Objects Physical descriptions The body Feelings Animals
slat yard Buildings Countryside The home Place names Objects Log in to hear
slat tomhais yardstick Objects Measurement Tools Everyday phrases Log in to hear
tromlach heavy Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Objects Weight Log in to hear
dréimire ladder Objects Building Tools Everyday phrases Transport Log in to hear
fónta sound Noise and sounds Objects Abstract nouns Log in to hear