Irish English Tags Audio
Cén chaoi gur éirigh leat How did you get on Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Questions Log in to hear
Céard a thit amach What happened? Conversation Everyday phrases Questions Log in to hear
An dtig leat/An dtiocfadh leat Can you/Could you Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Greetings To be able to Log in to hear
An rud atá de dhíth What is needed is Everyday phrases Questions Grammar Abstract nouns Verbs Log in to hear
Tuige (Connacht) = Cad chuige Why Conversation Interjections Questions Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Cén t-ábhar (Iorras) why Conversation Interjections Questions Abstract nouns Feelings Log in to hear
Cannathaobh (cad ina thaobh) Why Conversation Questions Interjections Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
Cad/Céard í do shlí bheatha? What do you do for a living? Conversation Activities Everyday phrases Questions Work
bhfuil do i do chónaí/Cá bhfuil cónaí ort/Carb as tú?/Cad as duit? Where are you from? Conversation Questions Greetings Place names People
Cén aois thú? How old are you? Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Age Pronouns
Ab ea? Was it? Conversation Everyday phrases Idioms Questions Grammar
An ea? Is it? Everyday phrases Questions Conversation Interjections Adverbs
An bhfuil aon ag teastáil uait Do you need anything? Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Feelings To be able to
An bhfuil aithne agat air? Do you know him/it? Conversation Everyday phrases Pronouns Feelings Questions
hiad na tionchair is atá ar bhur bhfuaim? What are the greatest influences on your sound? Abstract nouns Feelings Music Conversation Questions Log in to hear