Irish English Tags Audio
Roimh mo linns Before my time Time Life & death Everyday phrases Grammar Relationships Log in to hear
Gach fhocal Every second word Everyday phrases Adjectives Language Grammar Objects Log in to hear
bhéadh It wouldn't be Everyday phrases Grammar Adverbs To be able to Feelings
Nuair a dhéanfas é sin When I will do that Everyday phrases Verbs Activities Grammar Time Log in to hear
suntas a thabhair to note Activities Verbs Abstract nouns Grammar To be able to Log in to hear
bheadh a fhios agat You wouldn't know Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings Grammar Log in to hear
sa dlínse ina bhfuil siad in the jurisdiction in which they are Prepositions Grammar Everyday phrases People Places Log in to hear
Dealraíonn It seems Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Grammar Feelings Log in to hear
An rud atá de dhíth What is needed is Everyday phrases Questions Grammar Abstract nouns Verbs Log in to hear
dúirt léithe If you had told her Conversation Grammar Everyday phrases Conditional Relationships Log in to hear
Is cosúil liomsa/feictear dhomhsa/ It seems to me Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Grammar Log in to hear
mar chomhartha de It's a sign of it Everyday phrases Abstract nouns Feelings Grammar Conversation Log in to hear
Ab ea? Was it? Conversation Everyday phrases Idioms Questions Grammar
lonnaithe/suite located Verbs Adjectives Places Grammar To be able to
Foghraíocht Pronunciation Abstract nouns Language Grammar Log in to hear