Irish English Tags Audio
dréimire ladder Objects Building Tools Everyday phrases Transport Log in to hear
Táim i mo chónaí i mBeithigh Bheag I live on the Behy Road Places Everyday phrases Transport The city Verbs
Na cluasáin Headphones Objects Clothes Sound Music Transport Log in to hear
leathmhíle no mar sin abhí muid amach we were about have a mile out Activities Measurement Verbs Everyday phrases Transport
amach ar an doras out the door Everyday phrases Prepositions The home Activities Transport
blocán a'bhuaidh block of cork on a buoy Objects Seashore wildlife Transport Materials Everyday phrases Log in to hear
brionglán barb (on wire) Objects Farming life Tools Materials Transport Log in to hear
poll fua' sé síos go poll a dhá ascall, he sank to his oxters; roadstead Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact Transport Log in to hear
ar fhad a' bhóthar along the road Prepositions Geographical terms The countryside Transport Everyday phrases
shiúil siad ar fhad a bhóthar they walked along the road Activities Verbs Prepositions The city Transport
agus tháinic siad ag bun cóiriú and they made camp / set down? Activities Verbs Everyday phrases The home Transport
Bhí fear cneasta, oibre ag goil an bóthar. An honest working man was travelling along the road. Adjectives Activities People Transport The city
Bhog siad leo chun bóthair. They went along the road. Activities Transport Verbs The city Place names