Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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forseamálaí an awkward woman about a house Adjectives People The home Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
ith an allergic rash a thiocfadh amach i n-a scraith ort (CN); a certain man often got it on the arms and chest when he ate certain foods. Health Feelings Everyday phrases People Food and drink Log in to hear
lán is mór a' lán é, it is a good deal, a good lot; nach maith a' lán ráibe atá ar na slataí sin, isn't there a good deal of seed on those docks? amount Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Amount Log in to hear
comh-dheasach ambi-dexterous Adjectives Abilities Physical descriptions Personality Life & death Log in to hear
grágaíl also of an ass 'braying'. Animals Noise and sounds Verbs Folklore Everyday phrases Log in to hear
freangach also called dallóg, lesser dog-fish; in English tanny fish (tonnies) and cat-fish (MR); these are viviparous .i. bruideáileann siad; the young are brógaí taidbhs' and are to be found ins a' leas (in the sea-weed). Animals Food and drink Everyday phrases Health Seashore wildlife Log in to hear
píoblach also 'hoarseness in a person wih a cold' Health Feelings People Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
más common in placenames and means a sandbar according to (Sb) áit a bhéas i n-a bharra mór,common in placenames and means a sandbar according to (Sb) Geographical terms Everyday phrases Places names Food and drink Activities Log in to hear
dubhlacht na bliana after Christmas Calendar & Seasons Everyday phrases Time Log in to hear
togha á dtogha, picking them (TmB) /a: dǝuwǝ /. act of picking (potatoes) Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Agriculture Log in to hear
taithí tá sé a' taithí sa teach seo go mór .i. a ghoil ar chuairt ann go minic; is teann é an madadh geárr san áit a mbíonn a thaithí (sean-ocal) (MMt). Cf. D. s. v. madadh. act of frequenting Activities Feelings Adverbs People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fealladh tá sí a' fealladh, i. cow affected by the garla trua; tá an croí a' fealladh air, his heart is failing act of failing (in health) Activities Health Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
goiriúint the cock is said to be a' goiriúint san oíche, but a' glaoch in the daytime (PsC); nuair a ghoirfeadh an coileach, when the cock would crow, early in the morning (MC). act of crowing Activities Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Time Log in to hear
magpies according to the number seen together at a time portend: 1, mí-á; 2, á; 3, socraoid; 4, pósadh Numbers Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Food and drink Log in to hear
céiseóg banbh céiseóige ar a' gcéad ál, a piglet of a sow's first litter. a young sow having first litter Animals Food and drink Feelings Life & death Relationships Log in to hear