Irish English Tags Audio
reamhar ná tóig oram í .i. caint reamhar, rough speech, using curse-words, etc. Everyday phrases Feelings Language Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
reimhe is raimhe fuil 'ná uisce Food and drink Everyday phrases Folklore Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
reithíneacht tá an chaor' ar reithíneacht, the ewe is in season Animals Feelings Life & death Activity Everyday phrases Log in to hear
riabhach lothantaí na riabhaí, last two days of March and first day of April Calendar & Seasons Geographical terms Everyday phrases Time People Log in to hear
riocht níl sé i riocht a dhuil amach, (the weather) is not fit to go out (fishing). Weather Adjectives Disaster Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
roilleadh ghá roilleadh héin (ar a' mbóthar), rolling itself (horse). Animals Activities Verbs Feelings The countryside Log in to hear
roinn an sagart agus a' póilí, tabhair a gcuid dóf' agus ná bíof aon roinn agad leóf, give them their due and have nothing more to do with them Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
rón in phr. sínte siar i n-a rón, lying down in a lazy posture like a seal Activities Adjectives Animals Folklore Similes Log in to hear
ruaibíní (bhí) ruaibíní - mar adéarfá súilí do bhrógaí - is na curaigh seo - curaigh an dá éadan Adjectives Everyday phrases Bodies Feelings Objects Log in to hear
rúscadh a' rúscadh le fataí, a' baint fataí (cf. a' plé le fataí i n-áiteanna eile); a' rúscadh leóf, playing with them (children). Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases People Relationships Log in to hear
saighead (vb) shaighead sé an madadh ionnam, he set the dog at me; a' saghdú madaidh, setting on, inciting a dog. Animals Activities Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
salann 'sé an salann soir é géadhaí Iorrais thíocht go hEacaill (MC), it is like coals to Newcastl (sean-ocal). Idioms Folklore Comparatives Places Food and drink Log in to hear
samhlaigh tá an intinn chéanna ag a' bhfear thoir agus ní shamhlóchá leis é, he has the same disposition (he'd take a knife to you) and you'd never think it of him Feelings Personality Everyday phrases Idioms Verbs Log in to hear
Santa Bairbre Santa Bairbre i n-aghaidh na dtoirní. shantie Bhairble i n-aghaidh na dtoirní (CN): prionsa a rabh teach iarainn aige chuir an toirní sa spéir é. Ní rabh ag Santa Bairble ach shantie agus ní dearnadh a dhath air (CN). People Folklore Religion Buildings Adjectives Log in to hear
saoghal Éabha ní bhainfeadh an saoghal Éabha anuas mé, the whole world; an saoghal Ádhaimh is similarly used. Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Idioms Log in to hear