Irish English Tags Audio
slubaire slubaire bróch, a person slovenly in speech and messy generally. Adjectives People Feelings Personality Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sméadhamh níl s. ar bith sa tinidh agad, your fire is nearly dead Everyday phrases Feelings Health Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
sméarthacht a' sméarthacht a cinn, rubbing her head, fingering her hair Activities Feelings Physical contact The body Adverbs Log in to hear
smúitiú tá an ghealach faoi smúitiú, scamall thart orthaí Astronomy Weather Feelings Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
smutú ghá smutú, ghá mbriseadh (claidhmhtheachaí) (SOG); tá sí smutaí agad, you have it smashed (of spade that struck a stone) (MMt). Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
snámhán a' ghaoth a' snámhán thart, the wind going round to another point Weather Nature Activities Physical contact Objects Log in to hear
snámhtha nach bhfuil sé snáfaí lé uisc' (an spéir thiar), the sky is full of rain on the way, coming Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Activities Log in to hear
snuada Add translation add Log in to hear
so-chaideartha duine so-chaideartha, a harmless fellow. Adjectives Feelings People Terms of endearment Personalities Log in to hear
sompla a' sumpla bróch, nach fearr a' fear mise ná é? the dirty wretch, amn't I a better man than him Adjectives Feelings People Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sónraidh thóig mé sónraí dó, I observed it, took notice of it Activities Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
sónta fear sónta, fear a chreidfeadh chuile shórt (TmB). duine sónt', a youngster too obedient to everybody, doing what they tell him (MMt). Feelings People Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sóntaíl an rud is measa bhí greamuithe go dhuine riamh a' tsóntaíl. Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
spallach Add translation add Log in to hear
spáraid Add translation add Log in to hear