Irish English Tags Audio
gaoiséal tarnneó mé na gaoiséil asad, I'll pull the wind-pipe out of you Activities Feelings Idioms Verbs Physical contact Log in to hear
garastainceam bhí sé i n-a gharastainceam aige .i. bhí sé bun os cionn aige, nó i n-aimhréidh; ní thiocfadh leis a dhéanamh. Feelings Conversation Idioms Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
garrdha tá gáraidh thart ar a' ngealaigh, there is a ring round the moon (a bad sign of weather). Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Animals Superstitions Log in to hear
geam-chaoch Add translation add Log in to hear
geas an raithneach faoi gheasaí - ní fhacthas aon phór ariamh air. Na feagha, a' raithneach, agus a' chloch gheal - chuir Naomh Páraic mallacht orthú (SBh). Ná bain le geis is ní bhainfidh geis leat (sean-ocal) (TMt), do not violate superstitious custom and superstition will not interfere with you. Folklore Feelings Superstition Everyday phrases Proverbs Log in to hear
geidimín níl ann ach geidimín go dhuine, níl aon teacht 'un láithreach ann, an geidimín Everyday phrases Feelings Language Expressions Relationships Log in to hear
gein níl gein ann, níl éinne ann Everyday phrases Feelings Negative construction Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
giortaigh giortaigh an bóthar, shorten the road; this is what the Gobán Saor's daughter-in-law told his son to do Idioms Folklore Activities Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
girr-scéalach bás girr-scéalach, sudden, unexpected death. Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
giúsach crann giúsaí a fáitear sa bportach, bog deal. Plants Animals Feelings Everyday phrases Countryside Log in to hear
glafar chuirfeadh sé glafar as Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Log in to hear
glamba Add translation add Log in to hear
glas rua léana glas rua léana a chuireas bás ar na géabhaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
gné ní fhaca sé a ghath ná a ghné, he saw nothing Feelings Conversation Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
graifleach Add translation add Log in to hear