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fobhthaí fofaí ag a chéilí, an t-olc istigh acú dá chéilí (TmB); cho fofaí le madadh, ready for fight. Everyday phrases Folklore Animals Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
fóidín meara fuaidh a' fóidín meara ort, you went astray (MC); tá fóidín meara air, he is wrong in the head. Idioms Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
foiliucht they were going to school till they were big boys and girls - bhí a fhoiliucht /el ´ǝxd/ orthú, bhí siad i n-a scoláirí maithe, sign's on them, they were good scholars (PR). Activities Education Life & death People Feelings Log in to hear
forach Add translation add Log in to hear
freagairt tá mo dhruim a' freagairt, my back is paining me (especially with reference to a rheumatic pain; an áit a bhfuil a' phian a' freagairt, where you feel the pain (CN) and (PsC). Feelings Health Body Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
friotach is friotach a' lá é .i. giobach, breezy with cold biting wind (CN); also of dog: madadh . . friotach, with hair standing on him (ready for fight). Adjectives Animals Feelings Weather Idioms Log in to hear
friotáiltí uibh friotáiltí, fried egg Food and drink Objects Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fuarthas nach mór a fuarthas thú, hadn't you the "neck", the "cheek" Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Personality Log in to hear
fuath tá tú a' tabhairt fua dúinn, deserting us, not visiting us of nights as you used to Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
gabhlóg dhearag 2" long with spread tail Measurement Adjectives Objects Animals Physical descriptions Log in to hear
gaimhiúil (of weather) with a sting in it Adjectives Weather Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gainséal tá gainséal airigid air .i. uireasaidh airigid (Wm); tá sé gearr i n-airigead (AL) Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Physical descriptions Weather Log in to hear
galfach cf. gorta, great hunger. Abstract nouns Feelings Historical Terms Disaster Food and drink Log in to hear
gálóg a' cumadh gálógaí .i. bréaga Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Language Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gangar Add translation add Log in to hear