Irish English Tags Audio
De ghnás Usual Adjectives Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
Trí thine On fire Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Disaster Noise and sounds Log in to hear
Lánúin Married couple People Relationships The family Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
Púicín Mask Objects Clothes Everyday phrases Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
Mar an gcéanna/Mar a chéile/Mar is gnách The same as it always is Adjectives Everyday phrases Comparatives Time Language Log in to hear
Rup rap Convulsive diarrhoea and vomiting occurring at the same time Health Disaster Feelings Adjectives Activities Log in to hear
Ag teacht chun cinn Improving Activities Abstract nouns Verbs Adjectives Feelings Log in to hear
go breá/go maith/go measartha/go dona, slán a bhéas I'm grand/good/middling/bad thanks for asking Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Greetings Conversation
go hiontach/Tá go hait I'm great Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Conversation Personality
Ceart go leor/Tá go maith/Táim maith go leor I'm ok Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections
Togha uilig I'm grand Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Health
Is banaltra mé/Is altra I'm a nurse Activities People Health Adjectives Verbs
Amhránaí Singer People Activities Music Adjectives Life & death
Uachtar Cream/Upper Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Colours
tríocha dó/tríocha ceathair bliain d'aois I'm 32 34 years Numbers Time People Everyday phrases Adjectives