Irish English Tags Audio
Foghlaí Mara Pirate Abstract nouns People Folklore Adjectives Animals Log in to hear
scaitheamh/tamall fada It's been a long while Time Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Adverbs Log in to hear
Cén chaoi bhfuil gnothaí ó thaobh ceoil de? How are things regarding music? Everyday phrases Conversation Music Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
Sheol muid ár albam úr/nua We launched our new album Activities Music People Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
Cuireann muid dearcadh nua-aimseartha air We give it a new outlook Activities Adjectives Abstract nouns Verbs Relationships
Oirnéis/Uirlis ceoil Musical instrument Objects Music Activities Adjectives Life & death
Níos gaire closer Adjectives Comparatives Adverbs Log in to hear
thainic bean álainn go dtí é a beautiful woman came to him Adjectives People Verbs Relationships Feelings
nach rabh ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Feelings Relationships
dhá h-oileáin Inis ina luī amach ó Leathinis an Mhuirthead. The two Inishkea islands lie off the Mullet peninsula Geographical terms Place names The seashore Adjectives Numbers
Bhí, bhí go breá, bhí go breá, bhí fearthainn mór, cinnte, ar bhall éigean Oh it was fine (weather), fine, there was big downpour, soon after. Weather Feelings Adjectives Activities Comparison
Oh, thainig an stoirm, thaing an-tobann, an-tobann - gála mór. The storm came very quickly - big swell. Weather Adverbs Adjectives Disaster Noise and sounds
chupla fear a few men Amount People Relationships Adjectives Everyday phrases
sna áit ina bhfuil na clocha geala in the the place where there are the bright stones Places Adjectives Astronomy Objects Geographical terms
(is tú) an maistín a child who might be starting to walk who is being cranky/bold People Feelings Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases