Irish English Tags Audio
an-tóir ar na grapes acu anseo. There's a great demand for grapes here. Abstract nouns Food and drink Adjectives Amount Geographical terms
an-tóir ag na Spáinnigh ar fhataí, agus ar chuile shórt. The Spanish are very fond of potatoes, and of everything. Likes & dislikes Food and drink People Adjectives Everyday phrases
Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Geographical terms Physical descriptions
Teanga na feadaíola, The whistling language, Language Abstract nouns Adjectives Activities Noise and sounds
Is ea, is í an Spáinnis, ach in áit a bheith á labhairt, bíonn daoine á fheadaíl. Yes, it is Spanish, but instead of speaking it, people whistle it. Everyday phrases Language Activities Adjectives Communication
Abair, gabhar níl a fhios agam cén dath, gabhar liath, abraimid, Say, a goat I don't know what color, a gray goat, let's say, Animals Colours Adjectives Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes
"An bhfaca an gabhar liath liom" rud, cibé fhéin é, "Have you seen my gray goat" or something, whatever it is, Animals Adjectives Everyday phrases Questions Feelings