Irish English Tags Audio
Agus deir na daoiní And it is said Conversation Idioms Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Language
tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well Buildings Religion Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases
an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood Abstract nouns Food and drink Disaster Religion Everyday phrases
aon dath uisce ó shin as. any type of water from there, since then Everyday phrases Geographical terms Prepositions Time Abstract nouns
Is dócha, go raibh tionchar mór, aige sin, ar an saol ar an oileáin ina dhiaidh sin, a raibh? I suppose that had a big influence on life on the island after that? Abstract nouns Feelings Geographical terms Life & death Everyday phrases
curtha liom buried by me Verbs Prepositions Pronouns Abstract nouns Past participle
ar an Tír Thiar, fad ó shin in the West, a long time ago Geographical terms Time Adverbs Abstract nouns Everyday phrases
ar chaoí éicint, agus .. in some way, and... Everyday phrases Adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions Abstract nouns
gan bun barr lena ghnoithe without any sense to his business Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings People Verbs
ach d'fhadaigh but (it) was set Verbs Adverbs Abstract nouns Past participle Everyday phrases
word_or_phrase translation Abstract nouns Language Activities Work Money Log in to hear
deascadh dregs, lees Abstract nouns Food and drink Objects Log in to hear
col sgartha divorce Abstract nouns Relationships Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear
aidhbheirseoir devil Abstract nouns Folklore Religion Feelings Personality Log in to hear
gábhadh níl gábh ar bith nach dtigeann duine as, there is no battle but somebody comes safe out of it (Sb); defect (of character); : ach bhí gábh ann - bheith a' caint oram-sa agus ort-sa; bhí sin go ghábh ionn, there was that fault in him, that little flaw in his character, to be talking about me and you (ML). danger, battle Feelings Arguments Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Log in to hear