Irish English Tags Audio
Ghabh an cat sa bhuaigh agus sa gcoirnéal the cat managed to get the corner Animals Verbs Everyday phrases Activities Objects
Ghabh gandal ghé ag a' drisúir the gandel went to the dresser Activities Objects The home People Verbs
agus sheas an caora ag bun an doras and the sheep stood at the bottom of the door Animals Objects Places Adjectives Everyday phrases
agus gabh an tarbh, taobh thíos don doras and the bull went under the door Animals Verbs Objects Everyday phrases Prepositions
bhí an teach dorcha the house was dark Adjectives Buildings Feelings Objects Weather
fuaigh suas ag a' tine he went up to the fire Activities Objects Verbs Places Weather
le haghaidh a fódaí a thabhairt aníos for to bring up the sods (of turf) from below Activities Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases Objects
Corruair gcasfaí 'na bhaile mhóir é gheobhadh chupla coinneal ach go hannamh a bhíodh sa mbaile mór. Sometimes if he found himself in the big town, he would get a couple of candles but he was rarely in the big town. Adverbs Everyday phrases Geographical terms Feelings Objects
Isteach aríst ar an bpoll a bhí sa doras agus nuair a bhíodh an bricfeasta ite théadh suas agus shíneadh siar os comhair na tineadh agus ligeadh néal as a chlaigeann. Back in through the hole in the door, and when breakfast was eaten, he would go up and stretch out in front of the fire and let a puff of smoke from his head. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Objects Verbs
Bhíodh a bhonnaíochaí dóite sa luaith aige agus ba in é an fáth ar bhaist Seán Caolchat na Luathadh air. His pipe was always burnt out in the ashes, and that was why Seán Caolchat called him Luathadh (Ashes). Everyday phrases Feelings Names Idioms Objects
Teastaíonn brógaí go géar ar ndóigh ó Chaolchat. "Caolchat really needs shoes, of course." Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Objects People
Fuair i gcionn an bhainne agus d'ól lán a bhoilg den bhainne. He found the milk and drank his fill of it. Activities Food and drink Feelings Objects Verbs
Scaoil Seán an bhó agus an t-asal, d'oscail an doras thiar agus lig amach iad suas an garraí agus lig amach na cearcaí agus thug isteach na huibheachaí as teach na gcearc agus dhún an doras iataí aríst agus chuir a lámh suas ar an lot' os cionn an dorais thiar agus tharraing anuas mála saic. "Seán released the cow and the donkey, he opened the back door and let them out into the field, and he let out the hens and brought in the eggs from the henhouse and closed the back door tightly again and put his hand up to the loft above the back door and pulled down a sack bag." Activities Animals Everyday phrases Farming life Objects
D'oscail an mála agus chuir Pílí Cat sa tsac agus rug ar Chaolchat agus chuir sa tsac é chomh maith. He opened the bag and put Pílí Cat in the sack and grabbed Skinny Cat and put it in the sack as well. Activities Animals People Objects Everyday phrases
Chas béal an tsaic agus thóig den talamh é agus bhuail siar ar a dhroim é. "He twisted the top of the sack and lifted it off the ground and struck it on his back." Activities Verbs Physical contact Objects Everyday phrases