Irish English Tags Audio
trí sciathán orthu they have three wings Countables Physical Characteristics Present Perfect Neutral
agus siad ag imeacht ag feitheamh ar fhuascailt i gcónaí ‘gcónaí. and they are wandering, waiting for redemption forever Verb Tenses Spirituality & Religion Continuous Aspect Contemplative
Agus dean sin’ a dúirt ‘arís, a fhear chéile, "And don't do that again", she said, "my husband" Imperative Spoken Second Person Serious
fhad is bheas ar urlár an seo.” as long as you are in this house [lit: on the floor of this house] Conditional Location Preposition Subjunctive
mhoithigh an scéal sin go minic I often heard this story Frequency Past Experience Past Simple Indicative
ceathrair, trúir gasúir agus gearr-chaile four, three boys and a girl-een Numbers Group Composition Cardinal Numbers Neutral
míoltaí mór ar a' gcéibh the whales on the quay marine animals locations Plural Noun Passive Voice
anois, le linne a thugtha dhe riamh anois anseo a John, a raibh go leor adhmad agus rudaí mar sin? now, during your time here, john, was there a lots of wood and things like that? Interrogative Time Reference Plural Nouns Inquisitive
Ah bhí, bhí, bhí, bhí go leor, leor... ah there was, there was, there was, there was many, many ... Repetition Quantity Past Tense Reflective
Bhail a mhairtín, sa chúil bhinn ceart Well, Martin, (we're) in a right mess (lit: right sweet corner / backplace) Trouble Idiomatic Expression Present Continuous Concerned
Bhail, in san sean-aimsir, bhí fear agus...Gearóideach...ní raibh aon clann aige ach aon Gearóideach ach amháin Well, in the old-times, there was a man - a Gerald - and he didn't have any family except just one Gerald only. Past Tense Narrative Complex Sentence Reflective
Bhí cailleach anseo in Éirinn fadó. There was a witch in Ireland long ago Folklore Location Past Tense Indicative
Sláinte na háille is gile an ghléigil' A toast of beauty brighter than the pure whiteness Figurative Language Positive Connotation Comparative Structure Admiration
'maith gur éiríos féin ar maidin and on [inaudible] in the morning Ellipsis Time Reference Prepositions Uncertainty
D'éirigh mise ar maidin I woke up in the morning Time Daily Activities Past Simple Tense Neutral