Irish English Tags Audio
coinic current (in sea). Abstract nouns Nature Geographical terms The seashore Water Log in to hear
clabhtaí clouds Abstract nouns Weather Geographical terms Nature Astronomy Log in to hear
páinéid tá an phláinéid athruí, (our) climate has changed, we now get a different kind of weather climate Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Weather Life & death Log in to hear
cáilidheacht (chuile shórt) a' rith le na cháilidheacht héin, everything in nature follows its own instinct (Sb); rinne mé é do réir mo cháilidheacht, mar facthas dom go mba chóir a dhéanamh; 'tá cáilidheacht trom ort' adéarfaí le duine a bheith a' tuitim i n-a cholladh lá fliuch (TmB). character, nature Abstract nouns Feelings Folklore Nature Adjectives Log in to hear
tuar a' tuar aicíde, causing or generating disease (such as a rubbish dump) causing Abstract nouns Activities Health Food and drink Disaster Log in to hear
lot cancer (inward) Abstract nouns Health Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
drís talamh an dris, smior a' talaimh. An Sean-dall Glic always knew good land from the bramles or briars that were growing on it (MMt). (the best of land). bramble Plants Food and drink Geographical terms Adjectives Abstract nouns Log in to hear
mí-stáid tá mí-stáid mhór ann, ní bheith aon abhail aige do chuid a mhilleadh; there's much badness in him, he'd have no scruple, no compunction, about destroying your property (TmB). aon abhail he explained as aon tsuim. badness Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bing bing a bheith air an upward limit or ceiling to be set to the number of cattle to be taken in from each tenant for grazing on commons land Abstract nouns Activities Animals Farming life Relationships Log in to hear
draoi d'ólfadh sé an draoi; cf. the Westmeath Engl. Idiom: he'd drink Loch Érin dry. an unlimited quantity (of drink) Idioms Abstract nouns Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases Log in to hear
rálach an ugly offensive name for a woman Adjectives Abstract nouns People Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
lán is mór a' lán é, it is a good deal, a good lot; nach maith a' lán ráibe atá ar na slataí sin, isn't there a good deal of seed on those docks? amount Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Amount Log in to hear
magpies according to the number seen together at a time portend: 1, mí-á; 2, á; 3, socraoid; 4, pósadh Numbers Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Food and drink Log in to hear
iarraidh a turn in sickness Abstract nouns Health Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
stocán láidir go ghasúr a strong sturdy stump of a lad Adjectives People Physical descriptions Relationships Abstract nouns Log in to hear