Irish English Tags Audio
Robálaí. "A robber." People Abstract nouns Objects Adjectives Life & death
rud beag (caitin) i bpoll agus tobar uisce ag bun crainn agus dhá bhfaghadh trí bhraon de le n-ól leigheasódh í. "There is a small (...) thing in a hole and and there is a well of water at the bottom of a tree and if she got three drops of it to drink it would cure her". Abstract nouns Adjectives Food and drink Objects Feelings
Bhuel, mhoithigh an fear seo a bhí faoin mbairille an chaint. Well, this man who was under the barrel heard the talk. People Everyday phrases Verbs Objects Feelings
Bhíodh cearca agam, agus rudaí beaga mar sin, agus coiníní, ach níl aon ainmhí mór agam. I used to have chickens, and small things like that, and rabbits, but I don't have any big animals. Animals Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Farming life Objects