Irish English Tags Audio
agus dúirt leis and she said to him Conversation People Relationships Prepositions Verbs
a theacht léithe héin. to come with herself Pronouns Verbs Activities Relationships Adverbs
rabh beannaithe aige he hadn't blessed Verbs Feelings Past participle Religion Idioms
agus chaith an chré a bhí ina láimh and he threw the clay that was in his hand Activities Verbs Objects The body Physical contact
Agus scoilt an charraic And she split the rock Activities Verbs Objects The body Feelings
ag imeacht dhuithe going away from her Activities Verbs Relationships Adverbs Physical contact
Agus an charraic And the rock is Objects Verbs Physical descriptions Everyday phrases The home
le feiceál ag duine ar bith inniubh. to be seen by anyone today Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Time To be able to
nach rabh ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Feelings Relationships
Dhá dtóigthí and if water is taken Verbs Everyday phrases Life & death Activities Health
go dtiompódh that would turn Verbs To be able to Activities
gus thóigeann bean ar bith And no woman takes People Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Negation
leathmhíle no mar sin abhí muid amach we were about have a mile out Activities Measurement Verbs Everyday phrases Transport
ach bhí na heangacha tógtha i gcoinne a but the nets were taken against it Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Activities Feelings
agus thainig muid isteach go dtí and we came into Activities Prepositions Verbs