Irish English Tags Audio
slubar a mess of anything Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
falc falcannaí fómhair, autumn showers a heavy shower Weather Seasons Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
cnapan a heap Abstract nouns Amount Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
saighean ba mhór a' saighean é a great sight, a great show entirely Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
aisling a dream Abstract nouns Feelings Life & death Folklore Activities Log in to hear
coirceóg a doubled stook of corn Abstract nouns Farming life Objects Amount Plants Log in to hear
bocht a common meaning is miserly, mean Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Language Log in to hear
pláigh air a common curse Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Folklore Idioms Log in to hear
camóg .i. maide cam (AL), a "crooky" stick such as a walking stick. Abstract nouns Objects Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ríllín cochain fúithe .i. faoi'n mbró (Sb); seems to mean a roll or plug of straw. Abstract nouns Food and drink Objects Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
anachain d'ordaigh Dia an anachainn a sheachaint (sean-ocal); used to warn a person to avoid a house in which people were down with 'flu. Abstract nouns Health Everyday phrases Folklore Verbs Log in to hear
angar .i. droch-seileadh bróch (MCd); seileadh agus angar .i. diachair (MMt) Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Idioms Language Log in to hear
anróiteach bhí an grá Dia ionntú, bhí siad bocht nocht anróiteach .i. na seandaoine fadó Abstract nouns Feelings People Adjectives Life & death Log in to hear
antráthach uair antráthach, a very late hour, well after midnight Abstract nouns Adverbs Adjectives Time Feelings Log in to hear
bidhg bás bíg, sudden death. Abstract nouns Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death Idioms Log in to hear