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" "Maith go leor", arsa Pílí Cat. "Fair enough," said Pílí Cat. Everyday phrases Conversation People Feelings Adjectives
" "Tá chomh maith dhúinn mar sin a ghoil a chodladh go luath anocht," arsa Seán. "It's just as well for us to go to sleep early tonight," said Seán. Adverbs Conversation Feelings People Time
Agus bhreathnaigh ar Sheán agus bhreathnaigh ar Phílí Cat. "And he looked at Seán and he looked at Philí Cat." People Activities Conversation Facial expressions Relationships
"By dad," a deir sé, "nach moch atá sibh ina suí? "By dad," he says, "aren't you up early? Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings People Time
" Agus níor úirt Caolchat sea hea. "And Caolchat didn't say yes or no." Activities Conversation People Feelings Everyday phrases
"A", ar seisean, "caithfidh anois", ar seisean le Caolchat, "thú féin agus Pílí Cat a chur isteach sa tsac agus ansin buailfidh an sac ar mo dhroim agus iompróidh sibh amach agus isteach arís 'na bhaile mhóir agus nuair a bheas na brógaí ceannaithe againn. "Ah," he said, "now I must," he said to Skinny Cat, "put you and Pílí Cat into the sack and then I will hit the sack on my back and carry you out and back into the big town and when we have bought the shoes." Conversation Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Relationships
" Níor úirt Caolchat a dhath ach ag faire faoi agus thairis. "Caolchat said nothing but kept looking around and about." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Conversation
Chuaigh siad ag caint. They started talking. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Conversation People
Goidé an sórt fear thú féin? What kind of a man are you yourself?" Conversation Feelings Personality Questions Relationships
Ó, arsa fear an chneastacht. Oh," said the honest man. Conversation People Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases
Bhí fear...Ghoidfinn a oiread aon oíche amháin agus saothrófá i gcaitheamh do shaoil. "There was a man...In one night I would rob as much as you would earn your whole life," he said. People Feelings Conversation Activities Life & death
bhfágfaidh muid le socrú aige é? "Who will we leave it with to settle?" Conversation Questions Relationships Feelings Verbs
Cén fear a casadh dhófa ach robálaí eile. Who did they meet but another robber. Conversation People Activities Adjectives Life & death
Ligeadh an scéal aige. He was told the story. Abstract nouns Activities People Verbs Conversation
D'imigh siad leofa ag argóint aríst. Off they went again, arguing. Activities Arguments Adverbs Verbs Conversation