Irish English Tags Audio
Togha uilig I'm grand Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Health
Is ceoltóir I'm a musician People Occupations Feelings Music Identity Log in to hear
Céard a bhí ag déanamh/Céard a bhí ar bun agat aréir/Inné/inniu/arú aréir/arú inné/ What were you doing last night/yesterday/night before last/day before last Activities Everyday phrases Time Conversation Feelings
Slán tóg go réidh/go bog é! Go soirbhí Dia dhuit By take it easy! Godspeed Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings Greetings Idioms
Áibhéil Exaggeration Abstract nouns Feelings Language Personality Idioms Log in to hear
Cam/Éilitheach Corrupt Adjectives Feelings Personality Disaster Abstract nouns Log in to hear
Nuair a bhuaileann an crú leis an táirne When push comes to shove Idioms Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Arguments Log in to hear
an pota a dul thar maol The pot is boiling over Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Gabh i leith go fóill! Come here to me! Everyday phrases Verbs Physical contact Feelings Greetings
tinneas óil orm/Tá póit orm I've a hangover Feelings Health Everyday phrases Activities Idioms
Goitse! Come here to me! Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Interjections Feelings
fonn aisig/múisce/tiompú/urlacán/cur amach orm I feel like puking! Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Interjections Health
Léir mar a d'airigh fhéin Such as I heard it Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Language
D'airigh mé/ Mhothaigh I felt+I heard Feelings Noise and sounds Verbs Activities Everyday phrases
Nárbh fhéidir Were not able to To be able to Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Activities