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riabhach lothantaí na riabhaí, last two days of March and first day of April Calendar & Seasons Geographical terms Everyday phrases Time People Log in to hear
rúscadh a' rúscadh le fataí, a' baint fataí (cf. a' plé le fataí i n-áiteanna eile); a' rúscadh leóf, playing with them (children). Activities Food and drink Everyday phrases People Relationships Log in to hear
Santa Bairbre Santa Bairbre i n-aghaidh na dtoirní. shantie Bhairble i n-aghaidh na dtoirní (CN): prionsa a rabh teach iarainn aige chuir an toirní sa spéir é. Ní rabh ag Santa Bairble ach shantie agus ní dearnadh a dhath air (CN). People Folklore Religion Buildings Adjectives Log in to hear
sceinn used transitively: go scinfadh sí an Curach .i. go nglanfadh sí é, that she would sweep the Curragh, i. Polly, a racing mare from Erris Activities Animals People Verbs Geographical terms Log in to hear
slubaire slubaire bróch, a person slovenly in speech and messy generally. Adjectives People Feelings Personality Everyday phrases Log in to hear
so-chaideartha duine so-chaideartha, a harmless fellow. Adjectives Feelings People Terms of endearment Personalities Log in to hear
sompla a' sumpla bróch, nach fearr a' fear mise ná é? the dirty wretch, amn't I a better man than him Adjectives Feelings People Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sónta fear sónta, fear a chreidfeadh chuile shórt (TmB). duine sónt', a youngster too obedient to everybody, doing what they tell him (MMt). Feelings People Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
stácadh a' stácadh, ag ithe aibéil (AC); i n-amhrán:- Tá doiminic agus Seán ag goil stácadh dhá chathamh .i. dhá chathamh go dian (AOS). Activities Food and drink Adjectives Verbs People Log in to hear
súgán a shúgáin, addressing a young lad in depreciatory terms Adjectives Activities People Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
súmaire súmaire doracha go dhuine, a sile fellow with no word in him, who won't speak to you. Is deas a' rud píosa cainte, níor mhol éinne riamh a' súmaire Adjectives Feelings People Conversation Everyday phrases Log in to hear
triúr tá siad triúr Gallachúraí ann, there are three of those Gallaghers (EOM); muid triúr, the three of us (ML). Cf. libh-se ceathar, with the four of you (ML). Numbers People Everyday phrases Pronouns Relationships Log in to hear
tuata tuata a rinní é .i. fear gan cheird People Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
tuatach ceárdaí tuatach, one who does not have his trade, a "gobbawn" tradesman. Abstract nouns Adjectives People Folklore Activities Log in to hear
turus tuaithbheal turas a chuireas daoiní ar dhaoiní eile le spit Activities Relationships People Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear