Irish English Tags Audio
caitheadh suas muid we were thrown up Verbs Past participle Feelings Interjections Idioms
(agus) fuaigh isteach ansin and I went in there Activities Verbs Prepositions Everyday phrases Conversation
siad curtha, i bhFáil Mór they are buried in Falmore Places Life & death Verbs The home Geographical terms
Níl an cuimhniú dhomsa, ar an chéad doine a curthú ann I don't recall the first person to be buried here Life & death Feelings People Places Verbs
go leor curtha ann there are many buried here Amount Everyday phrases Feelings Place names Verbs
nuair a chaillfaí an duine when the person would die Life & death People Verbs Feelings Time
agus ansin thoisódh na fir and then the men would start Activities People Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships
ag déanamh making Activities Verbs
ghearrfeadh siad na cláratha they would cut the boards Verbs Objects Activities Timber To be able to
D'abríodh (he/she/it) used to / would say Verbs Conversation Grammar Everyday phrases Idioms
Bhí fear a mhúin There was a man who taught People Activities Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to
a d'abríodh na paidreacha that would/used to say the prayers Activities Religion Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
curtha liom buried by me Verbs Prepositions Pronouns Abstract nouns Past participle
mar a dearfá you'd say Everyday phrases Conversation Verbs Adverbs Language
is minic a déarfaí it would often be said Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Idioms Language