Irish English Tags Audio
bleacht bó bhleacht ionnlaogh Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
broim is fiúntáí broim ná brúcht (sean-ocal) Abstract nouns Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Activities Log in to hear
ceann i gceann cúnamh Dé is na Maighdine, with the help of God and the Virgin Religion Everyday phrases Feelings People Abstract nouns Log in to hear
comh-aois comh-aois Mháire í, she is the same age as Máire Abstract nouns Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
deachmhaidh airigead deachmhaidh, tithes money Abstract nouns Money Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
dóghín an dóghín, the little miserable two (of diamonds), dó + ín. Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Folklore Numbers Log in to hear
draid draid mhaith fhiacla aige, a good set of teeth Abstract nouns Adjectives Objects Feelings Physical descriptions Log in to hear
dul ní féidir a dhul dóf ', it is impossible to be up to them, to get the better of them. Verbs Feelings Idioms Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear
éan corr níl aon ál nach mbíonn éan corr orthaí, said in respect of one member of a highly respectable decent family who was not so, who turned out different Abstract nouns Feelings People Relationships Proverbs Log in to hear
galfach cf. gorta, great hunger. Abstract nouns Feelings Historical Terms Disaster Food and drink Log in to hear
gálóg a' cumadh gálógaí .i. bréaga Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Language Everyday phrases Log in to hear
girr-scéalach bás girr-scéalach, sudden, unexpected death. Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
glas rua léana glas rua léana a chuireas bás ar na géabhaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
innis is ait an innis í sin (Sb), that is a wonderful innis, i. excellent land. Feelings Adjectives Places Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Log in to hear
láir gen. lárach occurs in searrach lárach, a filly foal. Animals Abstract nouns Activities People Adjectives Log in to hear