Irish English Tags Audio
Dhearc mé/D'amharc mé/D'fhéach mé/Bhreathnaigh I looked Verbs Activities Past participle Feelings Everyday phrases
Amharc (Ag amharc) Eyesight Abstract nouns Feelings The body
D'fhéach le dhul isteach ach bhí an áit faoi ghlas I tried to go in but the place was locked Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Places Verbs
fail/snag hiccup Noise and sounds Feelings Health Everyday phrases Activities
Ag machnamh To reflect on one's thoughts Activities Feelings Verbs Life & death Everyday phrases
Déanann seift Needs must Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Arguments Activities
uasal noble/upper Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships
íseal lower/vulgar Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Personality Interjections
Stuama Level headed/sober Adjectives Feelings Personality Life & death Comparatives
Táim ag iarraidh ort teacht liom I'm asking you to come with me Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Relationships
Ciotach Messy Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Personality Physical descriptions
Tiarna Lord People Religion Abstract nouns Titles Feelings
Greadadh Lashing Weather Noise and sounds Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives
Teitheadh Escape Activities Verbs Feelings Disaster Everyday phrases
fiú trumpa gan teanga thú! You're not worth a shite! Feelings Everyday phrases Conversation Adjectives Idioms