Irish English Tags Audio
rugadh agus tógadh thall i Sáile i was born and raised over in Sáile Life & death Places names Activities Verbs The home
Mhoithigh mháthair insean go minic I heard my mother often say Everyday phrases Feelings People Verbs Conversation
d'imigh chean acu amach one of them went out Activities Verbs Pronouns Everyday phrases Movement
tháinig agus raibh sé i gceart he came and he wasn't right Activities Feelings People Verbs Adjectives
Bhíodh ag scríobadh he used to be scratching.. Verbs Activities Past participle
agus ag ghoil thart and going around Activities Verbs Adverbs
gan bun barr lena ghnoithe without any sense to his business Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings People Verbs
Ach d'inis don tsagairt é but he told it to the priest Conversation People Religion Activities Verbs
Chuaigh an tsagart ag léitheoireacht The priest went reading (studying) Activities People Verbs Feelings Life & death
agus rinne a dhícheall and he tried this best Activities Feelings Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases
thig liom feancadh a bhaint as I can't make any sense out of it Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idioms Conversation
a deir he says Conversation Verbs Feelings Grammar People
"Níl a fhios agam ceard é", a dúirt "I don't know what it is", he said Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Idioms
Fadaígí tine mhaith ansin ye set a good fire there Activities Feelings Objects Verbs Everyday phrases
agus tiocfaidh mise tráthnóna and I'll come for him in the evening. Activities Everyday phrases Time Verbs Relationships