Irish English Tags Audio
Bhíodh tórramh ann, ar feadh There used to be a wake Activities Life & death Everyday phrases Feelings Folklore
agus ansin thoisódh na fir and then the men would start Activities People Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships
ag déanamh making Activities Verbs
ghearrfeadh siad na cláratha they would cut the boards Verbs Objects Activities Timber To be able to
Bhí fear a mhúin There was a man who taught People Activities Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to
a d'abríodh na paidreacha that would/used to say the prayers Activities Religion Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
(is tú) an maistín a child who might be starting to walk who is being cranky/bold People Feelings Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases
rugadh agus tógadh thall i Sáile i was born and raised over in Sáile Life & death Places names Activities Verbs The home
d'imigh chean acu amach one of them went out Activities Verbs Pronouns Everyday phrases Movement
tháinig agus raibh sé i gceart he came and he wasn't right Activities Feelings People Verbs Adjectives
Bhíodh ag scríobadh he used to be scratching.. Verbs Activities Past participle
's ag tarringt na gruaige de na páistí eile and pulling the hair of the other kids Activities Physical contact People Children Feelings
agus ag ghoil thart and going around Activities Verbs Adverbs
Ach d'inis don tsagairt é but he told it to the priest Conversation People Religion Activities Verbs
Chuaigh an tsagart ag léitheoireacht The priest went reading (studying) Activities People Verbs Feelings Life & death