Irish English Tags Audio
Cen ait i gContae Maigh Eo ar ais a dhuit? Where in County Mayo are you from again? Geographical terms Conversation People Questions Places
Muise ab ea? Really, is that so? Adverbs Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Feelings
Agus nuair a chuir an teachtearacht anall anseo againn, bhí i gCarna, agus bhí thiar ag an siamsa, agus bhí thiar ag an. . . ag ceol agus amhráin a bhí thiar i gCarna. And when you sent the message over here to us, you were in Carna, and you were over at the entertainment, and you were over at the. . . at the music and songs that were over in Carna. Conversation Places Music People Activities
Agus ar ndóigh bhí ag an bhféile a rinne féin, a chuir féin i láthair - And of course, I was at the festival you yourself organized, that you yourself presented - Activities Conversation Feelings People Events
'Bhfuil fhad thall anois i Tenerife, a bhfuil? Are you still far away now in Tenerife? Geographical terms Conversation Questions Time Feelings
Tá, tá. Yes, yes. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Adverbs
Agus cén sort ceird ort atá ort ann? And what kind of work do you do there? Activities Conversation Work Questions Everyday phrases
An bhfuil a fhios agat céard é féin? Do you know what it is yourself? Conversation Everyday phrases Pronouns Feelings Interjections
Agus shíl nach raibh a leithéid de rud thall i Tenerife. And I thought there was no such thing over in Tenerife. Everyday phrases Feelings Places Conversation Geographical terms
Muise, ab ea? Really, is that so? Adverbs Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings
Agus an bhfuil beithígh agat ansin, an bhfuil, agus rudaí? And do you have cattle there, do you, and things? Animals Questions Everyday phrases Farming life Conversation
Níl, ar ndóigh. No, of course not. Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Adverbs Feelings
Níl. No. Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections Likes & dislikes
Ó, ab ea? Oh, really? Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings
Is ea. An bhfuil mórán cearca 'ad, a' bhfuil? Indeed. Do you have many chickens, do you? Everyday phrases Animals Conversation Feelings Questions