Irish English Tags Audio
blaiseadh beag little taste Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Food and drink Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
Cúithealach, faiteach Shy Adjectives Feelings Personality Log in to hear
Deifir Hurry Activities Adverbs Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
beo ar éigean I'm barely alive Feelings Life & death Everyday phrases Adverbs Physical contact Log in to hear
Fúm, Fút, Faoi, Fúithi, Fúinn, Fúibh, Futhu Under/About me etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Prepositions Conversation Feelings
Asam, Asat, As, Aisti, Asainn,Asaibh, Astu Out of me etc Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings Language Conversation
Tharam, Tharat, Thairis, Thairsti, Tharainn, Tharaibh, Tharstu Over me etc Prepositions Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact
Romham, Romhat, Roimhe, Roimpi, Romhainn, Romhaibh, Rompu Before me etc Everyday phrases Prepositions Time Conversation Feelings
Ionam, Ionat, Ann, Inti, Ionainn, Ionaibh, Iontu In me etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Grammar Feelings Conversation
An bhfuil aon ag teastáil uait Do you need anything? Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Feelings To be able to
Céard atá ort? What's up with ya? Everyday phrases Conversation Greetings Idioms Feelings
faitíos orm I'm afraid Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Adjectives Verbs
ag cur isteach orm He's bothering me Feelings Activities People Everyday phrases Verbs
muinín agam asam féin I'm confident in myself Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Personality To be able to
breá a bhí ann It was a fine day Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Time Weather