Irish English Tags Audio
lag lúbach young person without strength People Adjectives Feelings Physical descriptions Abstract nouns
ag fáil pinsean he's getting a pension Abstract nouns Activities People Money Verbs
iníon amháin one daughter People Family Numbers Abstract nouns Relationships
gabhar a goat Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Life & death Personality
go mbeadh leofa that she would belong to them Relationships Verbs Feelings Abstract nouns Pronouns
bhí (there) was Verbs Grammar Everyday phrases To be able to Abstract nouns
le solas a thabhairt to give light to it Verbs Activities Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases
le haghaidh a chuild shaibhreas in terms of his wealth Abstract nouns Money Relationships Conversation Adjectives
Cursaí iascaireacht Fishing matters Activities Abstract nouns Likes & dislikes Food and drink Countryside
Ba in an solas amháin a bhí aige. It was the only light he had. Abstract nouns Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs
Robálaí. "A robber." People Abstract nouns Objects Adjectives Life & death
Ligeadh an scéal aige. He was told the story. Abstract nouns Activities People Verbs Conversation
Bhí an geall cailltí. The bet was lost. Abstract nouns Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death
D'inis scéal bhean óg... an bás uirthi... a leithide seo dh'áit. He told a story about a young woman... dying(?)... in a certain place. Abstract nouns Activities People Places Life & death
rud beag (caitin) i bpoll agus tobar uisce ag bun crainn agus dhá bhfaghadh trí bhraon de le n-ól leigheasódh í. "There is a small (...) thing in a hole and and there is a well of water at the bottom of a tree and if she got three drops of it to drink it would cure her". Abstract nouns Adjectives Food and drink Objects Feelings