Irish English Tags Audio
agus rinne a dhícheall and he tried this best Activities Feelings Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases
nach spioraid mhaith é he's not a good spirit (he's possessed) Feelings Adjectives Life & death Activities People
Fadaígí tine mhaith ansin ye set a good fire there Activities Feelings Objects Verbs Everyday phrases
agus tiocfaidh mise tráthnóna and I'll come for him in the evening. Activities Everyday phrases Time Verbs Relationships
breith ar an bpáiste judge the child Activities People Feelings Verbs Relationships
agus a bhualadh istigh and to hit him into Activities Verbs Physical contact Everyday phrases To be able to
D'éirigh an páiste The child arose People Verbs Activities Feelings Physical contact
agus thug aithinneacha na tine and he brought the flames of the fire Activities Feelings Objects Verbs Weather
agus d'imigh ina mheadhair tine he went into a (ball?) of fire Activities Elements Feelings Objects Verbs
amach ar an doras out the door Everyday phrases Prepositions The home Activities Transport
ghlan suas san aer he disappeared into the air Verbs Astronomy Activities Everyday phrases Feelings
D'imigh as an n-amharc He went out of sight Activities Adverbs Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases
word_or_phrase translation Abstract nouns Language Activities Work Money Log in to hear
aimseógaí 'siad na haimseógaí a chuir ann é fairies Folklore Everyday phrases Activities Animals People Log in to hear
comhthrom what weight is this fish? tá meáchan cothrom ann, it is a fair weight; trí unsa (tobac) sa tseachtain, sin cathamh cothrom, that's fair smoking; cé' chaoi bhfuil na fataí agaibh? níl siad ach cothrom; sgoith fhataí cothroma, mixed middling potatoes, níl siad ionmholta ná ioncháinte annsin fair, middling Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Activities Log in to hear