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sleámóg a dark-brown seaweed which hangs in long snake-like strips like a skirt cut with scissors; sleámógaí were formerly used for kelp, and were put out as manure for potatoes (though they gave too much tops). In Conamara they are called stiallachaí according to MMt, and cabhrlleach according to MCd. Plants Adjectives Food and drink Geographical terms Farming life Log in to hear
buacall a creeping plant growing in sand, somewhat like scutch-grass; it is used a' ceangailt na mbaoití ins na potaí (gliomach). Plants Food and drink Activities Adjectives Life & death Log in to hear
deannóid tá deannóidín beag fuar ann a cool sting in the air (especially in the evening with north wind) Adjectives Weather Objects Feelings Physical descriptions Log in to hear
bocht a common meaning is miserly, mean Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Language Log in to hear
pláigh air a common curse Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Folklore Idioms Log in to hear
palltóg a big potato Adjectives Food and drink Amount Objects Plants Log in to hear
stráiméad a big lazy fellow Adjectives Personality Feelings Everyday phrases Terms of endearment Log in to hear
camóg .i. maide cam (AL), a "crooky" stick such as a walking stick. Abstract nouns Objects Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ábalt Níl sé ar ábalt ' a sgríobh, he's not able to write it To be able to Verbs Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
alam 'paéir tá sé lán le alam 'paéir, full of devilment Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Plants Idioms Log in to hear
allagar glór árd, ag a' rón, go fheithide beag Noise and sounds Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Music Log in to hear
angar .i. droch-seileadh bróch (MCd); seileadh agus angar .i. diachair (MMt) Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Idioms Language Log in to hear
anróiteach bhí an grá Dia ionntú, bhí siad bocht nocht anróiteach .i. na seandaoine fadó Abstract nouns Feelings People Adjectives Life & death Log in to hear
antráthach uair antráthach, a very late hour, well after midnight Abstract nouns Adverbs Adjectives Time Feelings Log in to hear
aoibhinn Dia is aoibhinn Dia dhó, 'tis happy for him, well for him. Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Idioms Religious expressions Log in to hear