Irish English Tags Audio
Bhéarfadh amharc dhon dall is (chuirfeadh) súil sa nach bhfuil aon súil ina cheann. "It would bring sight to the blind and it would put eyes into the one who had no eyes in his head". Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Life & death Health
Shíl mise nach raibh dada ann ach tránna agus. . . I thought there was nothing but beaches and. . . Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Feelings
níos luifearnach rud ar bith eile ar an bhfeirm faoi láthair. There's more weeds than anything else on the farm at the moment. Abstract nouns Farming life Comparatives Amount Everyday phrases
an-tóir ar na grapes acu anseo. There's a great demand for grapes here. Abstract nouns Food and drink Adjectives Amount Geographical terms
Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Geographical terms Physical descriptions
Bhoil, is dóigh go raibh go leor cúiseanna leis, Well, I suppose there were many reasons, Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Arguments Conversation
Agus dúirt me liom féin nach raibh aon fhírinne ansin, And I said to myself there was no truth in that, Conversation Feelings Idioms Personal thoughts Abstract nouns
Teanga na feadaíola, The whistling language, Language Abstract nouns Adjectives Activities Noise and sounds