Irish English Tags Audio
bhí an tarbh the bull was Animals Verbs Everyday phrases People Physical descriptions
agus chaith and he threw him Activities Verbs Physical contact People Relationships
agus nuair a tháinic an fear ar a' chosa and when the man got to his feet Activities People Physical contact Verbs Everyday phrases
agus dúirt go raibh ? and he said there was a ? Conversation People Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings
agus d'imigh na rubálaidhe leofa and the robbers went off Activities People Verbs Idioms The city
ach thit an fear amach go maith but the man happened out (came out of it) well Feelings People Everyday phrases Adverbs Physical contact
d'fhanadh na chailíní óga the young girls waited Activities Adjectives People Verbs Everyday phrases
Bhí conaí ar an oileáin seo, i bhfad roimhe cuimhne sínseara na bhfear seo. There were people living on the island long before the ancestors of these men People Place names Life & death History Geographical terms
Bhí fear ina chónaí leis féin i nGob Oiligh fadó a dtugadh siad Seán a' Ghoib air, agus raibh de chomhluadar aige faoi chaolach an ach dhá chat Cat mór bán ar bhaist Pílí Cat Bán air, agus cat dubh caol fada ar bhaist Caolchat na Luathadh air. There was a man living on his own on the Ely peninsula long ago that they called Seán of the Peninsula, and he had no company under the roof of the house except two cats. A big white cat he named White Pílí Cat, and a long slender black cat he named Speedy Slimcat. People Animals Places Everyday phrases Folklore
B'iontach na mátaí Seán agus Pílí Cat. Seán and Pílí Cat were wonderful mates. People Feelings Relationships Adjectives Animals
Bhíodh Seán ina shuí cos na tineadh san oíche ag comhrá agus ag caint agus ag inseacht scéaltaí do Phílí Cat agus cluas ar Phílí Cat ag éisteacht leis. Seán would sit by the fire at night talking and chatting and telling stories to Pílí Cat, and Pílí Cat would listen attentively. Activities Feelings People Everyday phrases Animals
Corruair eile, bhíodh Pílí Cat ina shuí taobh thall agus é ag faire anall ar Sheán agus ag freagairt na gceisteanna a bhíodh Seán ag cur air. At other times, Pílí Cat would be sitting opposite him, watching Seán and answering the questions Seán would ask him. Activities Feelings Conversation People Everyday phrases
Agus bhíodh Seán ag faire síos ar íochtar an agus d'fheiceadh scáile Phílí Cat thíos ar an mbinn; bhí ag tíocht idir solas na tineadh agus an bhinn. And Seán would look down at the bottom of the house and he would see the shadow of Pílí Cat down on the hearth; he was coming between the light of the fire and the hearth. People Places The home Feelings Verbs
Ar an taobh eile den scéal nuair a bhíodh an suipéar ite tráthnóna bhuaileadh Caolchat an bóthar amach ar an bpoll a bhí ar an doras iataí agus bhíodh amuigh ar feadh na hoích' agus sin an uair a laindeáleadh ar maidin nuair a bhíodh Seán ag éirí. "On the other side of the story, when supper was eaten in the evening, Skinny Cat would hit the road out through the hole in the closed door and would be out all night, and that's when he would return in the morning when John was getting up." Everyday phrases Animals Activities People Time
Is éard a bhí ann cneámhaire, rógaire, falsóir agus leadaí. "He was a knave, a rogue, a liar, and a scoundrel." Adjectives People Personality Feelings Everyday phrases