Irish English Tags Audio
adhlacadh 'was buried', (occurs only in prayers.) Verbs Past participle Religion Life & death Everyday phrases Log in to hear
a ro bhí tú ar an aonach, a Pheatsaí. (Freagra) bhí, a'ro, I was, yes; I was indeed. Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Verbs People Log in to hear
ábalt Níl sé ar ábalt ' a sgríobh, he's not able to write it To be able to Verbs Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
aireachtáil (tá mé) gam aireachtáil go maith, I am feeling well Feelings Adverbs Verbs Everyday phrases Health Log in to hear
airicis tine chnámh in ' airicis, to receive him, to welcome him home. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
áith 'siad na mná a dhóigh an áith, 'twas the women burned the kiln (sean-ocal). Activities Folklore People Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
áladh thug a' t-asal áladh ar a' bpáipéar, made a charge at, rush at the paper, to get it in its teeth Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Animals Feelings Log in to hear
anachain d'ordaigh Dia an anachainn a sheachaint (sean-ocal); used to warn a person to avoid a house in which people were down with 'flu. Abstract nouns Health Everyday phrases Folklore Verbs Log in to hear
árach níl aon árach agam air, I cannot help it. Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idioms Activities Log in to hear
ascaill sa bhfaraige .i. lúbán isteach, tá fascadh ann. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
bánú bhí an t-oileán le bánú .i. na daoine le n-a thréiscint, to be evacuated. Activities Feelings Places Verbs Disaster Log in to hear
barrach a cíoradh baraigh, combing flax Activities Food and drink Farming life Objects Verbs Log in to hear
béinne rinne siad béinne de (le buillí), they knocked him stiff Activities Verbs Emotions Everyday phrases Idioms Log in to hear
beir bhéarfadh sé scian ort, he would take a knife to you (ML); bheir sé air, the dog bit him (MC); bheir a' chearc, the hen laid (MR) Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Life & death Log in to hear
bréag níl mé a' cur bréige air, I'm not belying him Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Conversation Idioms Log in to hear