Irish English Tags Audio
ach bhí na heangacha tógtha i gcoinne a but the nets were taken against it Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Activities Feelings
caitheadh suas muid we were thrown up Verbs Past participle Feelings Interjections Idioms
(mar) chaithfeá bosca maiteannaí as if you would throw up a box of matches Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Activities Objects
Agus céard a tharla dhaoibhse? And what happened to ye? Conversation Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms Interjections
mhéad duine a báthú, a Dominick? How many drowned, Dominick? Questions Amount Feelings Life & death Conversation
Is dócha, go raibh tionchar mór, aige sin, ar an saol ar an oileáin ina dhiaidh sin, a raibh? I suppose that had a big influence on life on the island after that? Abstract nouns Feelings Geographical terms Life & death Everyday phrases
Níl an cuimhniú dhomsa, ar an chéad doine a curthú ann I don't recall the first person to be buried here Life & death Feelings People Places Verbs
go leor curtha ann there are many buried here Amount Everyday phrases Feelings Place names Verbs
ceard a tharlaigh, nach mbíodh aon sagart agaibh? what happened, or did ye not use to have a priest? Conversation Questions People Everyday phrases Feelings
nuair a chaillfaí an duine when the person would die Life & death People Verbs Feelings Time
Bhíodh tórramh ann, ar feadh There used to be a wake Activities Life & death Everyday phrases Feelings Folklore
cónra (the) coffin Objects Life & death Buildings Feelings Religion
a d'abríodh na paidreacha that would/used to say the prayers Activities Religion Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
bhfuil a fhios agatsa anois, ca bhfuil na daoine curtha anseo, daoine a muintir leat fhéin do you know where your ancestors are buried here? Feelings People Life & death Relatives Geographical terms
tá's, a fhios agam Oh I know, I know Interjections Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Relationships