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Agus bhí Seán ar an gcaoi chéanna leis. And Seán was the same way with him. Relationships People Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Lean sin dhó mar sin agus an oíche seo bhí Seán agus Pílí Cat cois na tineadh. "That continued for him in that way and this night Seán and Pílí Cat were by the fire." Adverbs People Everyday phrases Feelings The home
"Ara", a deir Seán, "tá ag brú suas le aimsir na Nollag anois, amárach an Satharna Mór agus caithfidh muid a ghoil 'un an bhaile mhóir agus brógaí a fháil dhúinn féin. "Ara," says Seán, "it's getting close to Christmas now, tomorrow is the Big Saturday and we have to go to the big town and get shoes for ourselves. Everyday phrases Feelings Calendar & Seasons Activities People
Teastaíonn brógaí go géar ar ndóigh ó Chaolchat. "Caolchat really needs shoes, of course." Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Objects People
" "Maith go leor", arsa Pílí Cat. "Fair enough," said Pílí Cat. Everyday phrases Conversation People Feelings Adjectives
Réiteoidh sac agus cuirfidh thú féin agus Caolchat sa tsac agus buailfidh an sac ar mo dhroim agus gabhfaidh muid isteach agus amach chun an bhaile mhóir agus iarrfaidh sibh coiscéim a shiúil. "I will prepare a sack and put you and Skinny Cat in the sack and I will put the sack on my back and we will go in and out to the big city and you will not have to walk a step." Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink People The city
"Bhoil, rabh ariamh sa mbaile mór," arsa Pílí Cat ,"tá ag dúil go mór leis! "Well, I've never been to the big city," said Pílí Cat, "I'm really looking forward to it!" Everyday phrases Feelings People The city Adjectives
" "Tá chomh maith dhúinn mar sin a ghoil a chodladh go luath anocht," arsa Seán. "It's just as well for us to go to sleep early tonight," said Seán. Adverbs Conversation Feelings People Time
Ar maidin, leis an bhfáinneachan bhí Seán ina shuí agus anuas le Pílí Cat ón lot', agus rinne Seán graithí na maidine. "In the morning, with the first light, Seán was up and down with Pílí Cat from the shed, and Seán did the morning chores." Calendar & Seasons Activities People Animals Everyday phrases
Agus bhreathnaigh ar Sheán agus bhreathnaigh ar Phílí Cat. "And he looked at Seán and he looked at Philí Cat." People Activities Conversation Facial expressions Relationships
"By dad," a deir sé, "nach moch atá sibh ina suí? "By dad," he says, "aren't you up early? Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings People Time
" "Ah," a deir Seán, "tá muid ag goil 'na bhaile mhóir inniu. "Ah," says Seán, "we are going to the big town today. Everyday phrases People The city Adjectives Time
" Agus níor úirt Caolchat sea hea. "And Caolchat didn't say yes or no." Activities Conversation People Feelings Everyday phrases
Las Seán an puíop', dheargaigh aithinne thuas ag an tinidh agus nuair a bhí an puíopa lasta aige "tá mise réite anois", ar seisean, "tá chomh maith againn a bheith ag bualadh an bhóthair agus ag baint píosa as. "Seán lit the pipe, he reddened the gorse up at the fire and when he had the pipe lit he said 'I'm ready now', 'it's just as well for us to be hitting the road and making a bit of headway." Activities Everyday phrases Feelings People Verbs
D'oscail an mála agus chuir Pílí Cat sa tsac agus rug ar Chaolchat agus chuir sa tsac é chomh maith. He opened the bag and put Pílí Cat in the sack and grabbed Skinny Cat and put it in the sack as well. Activities Animals People Objects Everyday phrases