Irish English Tags Audio
cosúil le such as/like the/similar to Grammar Comparatives Everyday phrases Conversation Prepositions Log in to hear
Trompa Jew's harp Objects Music Instruments Everyday phrases Culture
fiú trumpa gan teangaidh é sin That's not worth a damn Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Arguments Conversational
Canaim sa gcúl I sing in the background Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Music The home
An bhfuil aithne agat air? Do you know him/it? Conversation Everyday phrases Pronouns Feelings Questions
Teastaíonn uainn go n-aireoidh daoine beo beathamhach/beathach nuair a bhíonn siad ag éisteacht linn We want people to feel alive when they are listening to us Feelings People Verbs Activities Everyday phrases
Uaireanta/Scaití Occasionally Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Activities Life & death Log in to hear
Cuireann muid ornáidíocht ar an amhrán ansin We ornament the song then Activities Music Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Is é Dan an príomhchumadóir don iarraidh seo ach beimid ag leathnú amach ina dhiaidh seo Dan is the main composer for this effort but we will probably broaden out after this Activities Music Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
Ó tharla Covid Since Covid happened Disaster Health Everyday phrases Time Activities Log in to hear
A bheith inár n-aonar To be by ourselves Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Rest and relaxation To be able to Log in to hear
Aimsir Naomh Pádraic, It was the time of St. Patrick Calendar & Seasons Religion Places names Everyday phrases Time
go rabh siad eidir Ceann Iorrais agus Ceann Acla That they were between Erris head and Achill head. Geographical terms Place names Countryside Everyday phrases Time
Agus bhí a n-am le bheith thuas an uair seo And their time was to be up in the heavens, back then. Astronomy Time Everyday phrases Life & death Historical
chuir fear de na naoimh ar a bhfairnéis they searched after one of the Saints Activities People Religion Arguments Everyday phrases