Irish English Tags Audio
Bhí fear cneasta, oibre ag goil an bóthar. An honest working man was travelling along the road. Adjectives Activities People Transport The city
Casadh robálaí dhó. He met a robber. People Activities Verbs Arguments Feelings
Chuaigh siad ag caint. They started talking. Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Conversation People
Fear cneasta cruaidh oibre atá ionam, ag iarraidh mo bheatha a tharraingt leis an (...) (cneasta). "I am an honest hard working man trying to spend my life with the (...). Adjectives Feelings People Relationships Life & death
Robálaí. "A robber." People Abstract nouns Objects Adjectives Life & death
Ó, arsa fear an chneastacht. Oh," said the honest man. Conversation People Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases
Bhí fear...Ghoidfinn a oiread aon oíche amháin agus saothrófá i gcaitheamh do shaoil. "There was a man...In one night I would rob as much as you would earn your whole life," he said. People Feelings Conversation Activities Life & death
Bhuail fear an chneastacht (...). The honest man (...). Adjectives People Personality Feelings Everyday phrases
Cuirfidh cúig phunta leat. "I will bet you five pounds," said the honest man. Adjectives Amount People Money Verbs
An chéad fhear a chasfaíor dhúinn ar an mbóthar. "The first man we meet on the road." People Places Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases
Cén fear a casadh dhófa ach robálaí eile. Who did they meet but another robber. Conversation People Activities Adjectives Life & death
Ligeadh an scéal aige. He was told the story. Abstract nouns Activities People Verbs Conversation
Dúirt sé, Á, a amadáin, shaothró-... ghoidfeadh an fear sin a oiread aon oíche amháin is shaothrófá i gcaitheamh i do shaoil. "Ah, you fool," he said. "That man would earn in one night as much as you would earn in your whole life." Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings People Verbs
Chuir a chulaith éadaigh agus an shúil a bhí ina cheann dhon fhear an chneastacht (...) robáil. He bet the honest man his suit of clothing and the two eyes in his head (...). Adjectives Clothes Feelings People Verbs
D'fhága siad le socrú ag an gcéad fhear a chasfaí dhófa. They left it with the first man whom they met on the road to settle. Activities People Places Verbs Everyday phrases