Irish English Tags Audio
beirt an bothar thiar, 's a mharaigh it (the storm) killed two from back the road Disaster Life & death Everyday phrases People Geographical terms
alt thuit sé le alt, fell over the cliff into the sea. cliff Geographical terms The seashore Objects Disaster Nature Log in to hear
tuar a' tuar aicíde, causing or generating disease (such as a rubbish dump) causing Abstract nouns Activities Health Food and drink Disaster Log in to hear
lot cancer (inward) Abstract nouns Health Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
scaobán scaobán a bhaint as an uaigh De Dónaigh, to dig one spit off the grave on Sunday, for grave digging on Monday is taboo. a spit, shovelful, spadeful Activities Folklore Time People Disaster Log in to hear
drúchtín in gearradh drúchtín a cut between the toes from grass (féar eidir na méaraí) Everyday phrases Health Disaster Activities Body parts Log in to hear
bachlóg chuir siad bachlóg ar a theangaidh, after which he could not speak properly or at all. Activities Feelings Conversation Health Disaster Log in to hear
bánú bhí an t-oileán le bánú .i. na daoine le n-a thréiscint, to be evacuated. Activities Feelings Places Verbs Disaster Log in to hear
galfach cf. gorta, great hunger. Abstract nouns Feelings Historical Terms Disaster Food and drink Log in to hear
girr-scéalach bás girr-scéalach, sudden, unexpected death. Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Life & death Disaster Log in to hear
riocht níl sé i riocht a dhuil amach, (the weather) is not fit to go out (fishing). Weather Adjectives Disaster Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear