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fobha a' tabhairt fobha duithe, a' ligean a' ghráin aicí, a' grán a ligean síos sa mbró (when grinding corn) Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Farming life Log in to hear
liocaim liocann sé an talamh, (tractor) tramps the ground, packs the soil (Wm); liocthaí: féar liocthaí / L´uki: /, hay stuck together after heating (AL). Activities Farming life Objects Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
téad tá téad ar an asal agam, I have the ass tied by rope to stake out in the field (Sb); gamhain ar téad ní dheachaidh riamh 'un cinn (sean-ocal) (MCd), a staked calf never throve Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Farming life Verbs Log in to hear
le haghaidh a fódaí a thabhairt aníos for to bring up the sods (of turf) from below Activities Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases Objects
Scaoil Seán an bhó agus an t-asal, d'oscail an doras thiar agus lig amach iad suas an garraí agus lig amach na cearcaí agus thug isteach na huibheachaí as teach na gcearc agus dhún an doras iataí aríst agus chuir a lámh suas ar an lot' os cionn an dorais thiar agus tharraing anuas mála saic. "Seán released the cow and the donkey, he opened the back door and let them out into the field, and he let out the hens and brought in the eggs from the henhouse and closed the back door tightly again and put his hand up to the loft above the back door and pulled down a sack bag." Activities Animals Everyday phrases Farming life Objects
Bhoil, faoi lathair ag feliméaracht ann. Well, currently I am farming there. Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs
ar an bhfeirm faoi lathair. I am on the farm right now! Activities Farming life Everyday phrases Time Feelings
Go dtí chúig nóiméad ó shin bhí ag tarraingt luifearnach. Until five minutes ago I was pulling weeds. Activities Time Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases
fhad ó tharraing luifearnach, a Mháirtín? How long has it been since you pulled weeds, Mháirtín? Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Time Farming life
níos luifearnach rud ar bith eile ar an bhfeirm faoi láthair. There's more weeds than anything else on the farm at the moment. Abstract nouns Farming life Comparatives Amount Everyday phrases
Agus an bhfuil beithígh agat ansin, an bhfuil, agus rudaí? And do you have cattle there, do you, and things? Animals Questions Everyday phrases Farming life Conversation
Bhíodh cearca agam, agus rudaí beaga mar sin, agus coiníní, ach níl aon ainmhí mór agam. I used to have chickens, and small things like that, and rabbits, but I don't have any big animals. Animals Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Farming life Objects
Ach i gcónaí bhínn ag plé leis na cearca agus na héanlaithe. But I was always dealing with the chickens and the birds. Activities Animals Farming life Everyday phrases Feelings
Agus is gearr go bhfaighidh cearca úra, súil agam. And I hope to get new chickens soon. Activities Animals Feelings Farming life Time
Céard eile a bhíonns a dhéanamh ó thaobh feirméarachta dhe? What else do you do in terms of farming? Activities Farming life Conversation Questions Everyday phrases