Irish English Tags Audio
Ab ea? Was it? Conversational Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections Questions
Ó, a' bhfuil, bail ó Dhia ort, a' bhfuil? Bhoil, ar laethanta saoire a chuaigh tú. . . atá ann mar sin agus chúig bliana déag ann? Oh, have you, God bless you, have you? Well, you didn't go on holidays. . . you are there for fifteen years? Everyday phrases Greetings Feelings Life & death Conversations
Ó ab ea? Is ea. Oh really? Yes. Everyday phrases Interjections Conversation Feelings Greetings
Agus gabh i leith anois go bhfiafraí ort, And tell me now, let me ask you, Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Greetings Questions