Irish English Tags Audio
Cumadóireacht Composition Abstract nouns Activities Music
Amhrán/Amhráin Song/Songs Abstract nouns Music Objects
Cuireann muid ornáidíocht ar an amhrán ansin We ornament the song then Activities Music Verbs Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Is é Dan an príomhchumadóir don iarraidh seo ach beimid ag leathnú amach ina dhiaidh seo Dan is the main composer for this effort but we will probably broaden out after this Activities Music Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
Beidh muid ag seoladh ár n-albam úr We will be launching our new album Activities Music People Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
hiad na tionchair is atá ar bhur bhfuaim? What are the greatest influences on your sound? Abstract nouns Feelings Music Conversation Questions Log in to hear
allagar glór árd, ag a' rón, go fheithide beag Noise and sounds Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Music Log in to hear
Cén chaoi an bhfuil féin? An-amhrán! théis an t-amhrán sin a chloisteáil. Bhí go hálainn. How are you yourself? Wonderful! I just heard that song. It was lovely. Everyday phrases Feelings Music Adjectives Conversation
Tá.. Darach Ó Cathain... Is maith leat Amhrán An Tae? Yes.. Darach Ó Cathain... Do you like "Amhrán An Tae"? Everyday phrases People Likes & dislikes Music Conversation
Agus nuair a chuir an teachtearacht anall anseo againn, bhí i gCarna, agus bhí thiar ag an siamsa, agus bhí thiar ag an. . . ag ceol agus amhráin a bhí thiar i gCarna. And when you sent the message over here to us, you were in Carna, and you were over at the entertainment, and you were over at the. . . at the music and songs that were over in Carna. Conversation Places Music People Activities
Chuala tú, ar chuala trácht ar an bhfíon Spáinneach sna sean-amhráin? Did you hear...have you heard tell of Spanish wine in the old songs? Everyday phrases Food and drink Music Conversation Feelings