Irish English Tags Audio
agus a chuirtear go deas cliste ins an teampall. and are buried neat and proper in the graveyard. Past Tense Adverbial Phrase Description Passive Voice
Ah bhí, bhí, bhí, bhí go leor, leor... ah there was, there was, there was, there was many, many ... Repetition Quantity Past Tense Reflective
Bhail, in san sean-aimsir, bhí fear agus...Gearóideach...ní raibh aon clann aige ach aon Gearóideach ach amháin Well, in the old-times, there was a man - a Gerald - and he didn't have any family except just one Gerald only. Past Tense Narrative Complex Sentence Reflective
Bhí cailleach anseo in Éirinn fadó. There was a witch in Ireland long ago Folklore Location Past Tense Indicative
Bhí fear fadó agus bhí i nGaillimh There wa a man long ago and he was in Galway Past Tense Narrative Third Person Singular Past
Rugadh i nGaobhrán, sa teachsa, an teach ansin de comhair I was born in ​Geevraun, in the house, the house here opposite Place of Birth Home Past Tense Reflective
Bhíodh amuigh chuile He used to be outside every day Habitual Actions Past Habits Past Tense Neutral