Irish English Tags Audio
comhdháil conference Buildings Activities People Work Abstract nouns
Láithreoir Presenter People Work Activities Physical descriptions Adjectives Log in to hear
go deonach voluntarily Adverbs Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
ag éileamh demanding Adjectives Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
Cad/Céard í do shlí bheatha? What do you do for a living? Conversation Activities Everyday phrases Questions Work
Uaslódáil Upload Activities Verbs Technology Work Objects Log in to hear
Is ormsa an t-ualach The work is on me Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Work Log in to hear
Agallamh Interview Activities Abstract nouns Conversation Work Log in to hear
D'oibrigh Dan in earnáil na seandálaíochta Dan worked in the archaeological sector Activities Work People Geographical terms Buildings
word_or_phrase translation Abstract nouns Language Activities Work Money Log in to hear
paráiste applied also to a dispensary district to which a doctor is appointed Activities People Health Buildings Work Log in to hear
fídeáil a' fídeáil cearc, feeding hens Activities Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases Work Log in to hear
's chuid acu dhéananns obair sa bhaile and some of them do work at home Activities Adverbs Everyday phrases Work The home
chuid mhaith acu ag iascaireacht a good few are fishermen Adjectives Animals People Work Everyday phrases
Bíonn ag deanamh tithe he's building houses Activities Buildings Verbs People Work