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sail (má tá) sail bhuí i n-a cluais, beidh árd-im orthaí; if she has yellow wax in her ear, there will be greast butter on her milk wax (in ear) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
preabaire na gcapall wasp focailfholaithe Log in to hear
suicín! suicín! used to call a calf focailfholaithe Log in to hear
mún airigead na caillighe is é á mhún faoi na ballaí urinating focailfholaithe Log in to hear
slód tussock out of which sea-pink grows (Wm); PsC has doubts about this meaning. According to MCd the slód is where sea-birds build their nests. focailfholaithe Log in to hear
aghaidh béil aghaidh béil a thabhairt ar a' tsagart, turn your lip on, give out (abusive language) to the priest. focailfholaithe Log in to hear
torabord turbot, iasc mór leathan focailfholaithe Log in to hear
mar-thiompó ghá mar-thiompó héin (she was) tumbling tumbling (of horse) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
pótaire toper, drunkard focailfholaithe Log in to hear
steig meig a dhéanamh de to lay him out (for the count) (SBh). focailfholaithe Log in to hear
greim gearr i. by marrying in, is to get it by the greim gearr. to get a place with the wife, focailfholaithe Log in to hear
spleic spleic ar a' tsíogán, lop-sided rick. tilt focailfholaithe Log in to hear
an cheist This is what you would ask a ghost. It has never been printed (ní rabh i bprionda riamh). Only two people (in Glosh) have the Ceist focailfholaithe Log in to hear
bolag uisce the water-bag from a cow about to calve focailfholaithe Log in to hear
bogach the usual word for peat bog focailfholaithe Log in to hear