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déin in phr. faoi dhéin(t), for, to get, collect especially animals: faoi dhéin caorach, to collect sheep (on mt): faoi n-a ndéint (to go) for them, i. cows on hill. ar fháirnis, to get, is used in reference to eggs: be' mé ag goil suas ar fháirnis uibheachaí, to get some eggs (at a house) Activities Animals Everyday phrases Food and drink Verbs Log in to hear
deóiríneacht i gcónaí a' deóiríneacht, always whining, whinging Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Adverbs Activities Log in to hear
díth gan díth ná dolaidh a dhéanamh go dhuine ar bith, to do no harm to anyone Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Verbs Log in to hear
díth dóich na préacháin a' déanamh dí dóich air ann, the crows doing destruction to his crops there (Sb); a' déanamh dí dóich ar do chómhars, wronging your neighbour, rash judging him (MMT); a' déanamh dí dóich air, éagóir (TmB); dí dóich, rud mí-chéart (AL). Cf. Béaloideas, xiii, 224: bhí siad a' dianamh dí-dóich thart i nÉirinn (.i. arm Shasanaí) in a story from Ballycroy, and glossed 'outrage, harm', by the sgéaluí. Activities Feelings Arguments Folklore Food and drink Log in to hear
draoitheadóireacht a' draoitheadóireacht, ag coinneál eagnaidheacht leat, arguing with you Activities Arguments Feelings Verbs Conversational phrases Log in to hear
éisteacht bhfuil tú ag éisteacht liom, are you listening to me? Activities Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
feamainn bhuí A: bhí tú i Meiriceá? B: bhíos, .. go bhfaca mé an fheamainn bhuí, yes, but I stayed very short, just long enough to see the sea-weed Activities Feelings Geographical terms Everyday phrases Food and drink Log in to hear
feistiú chuir siad feistiú troda orthú héin, equipped themselves for fight, armed themselves with graips Activities Verbs Feelings Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fiatalach tá fiatalach air, it is going to be wild, rough, stormy (at sea); young lads liked to hear this: they would not have to go out fishing Feelings Weather Everyday phrases People Activities Log in to hear
fídeáil a' fídeáil cearc, feeding hens Activities Food and drink Animals Everyday phrases Work Log in to hear
fobha a' tabhairt fobha duithe, a' ligean a' ghráin aicí, a' grán a ligean síos sa mbró (when grinding corn) Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Farming life Log in to hear
foiliucht they were going to school till they were big boys and girls - bhí a fhoiliucht /el ´ǝxd/ orthú, bhí siad i n-a scoláirí maithe, sign's on them, they were good scholars (PR). Activities Education Life & death People Feelings Log in to hear
friotáiltí uibh friotáiltí, fried egg Food and drink Objects Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gaoiséal tarnneó mé na gaoiséil asad, I'll pull the wind-pipe out of you Activities Feelings Idioms Verbs Physical contact Log in to hear
giortaigh giortaigh an bóthar, shorten the road; this is what the Gobán Saor's daughter-in-law told his son to do Idioms Folklore Activities Everyday phrases People Log in to hear