Irish English Tags Audio
balach exactly Adverbs Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
bun bárr entirely, totally Adverbs Amount Comparatives Everyday phrases Emphasis Log in to hear
tur dry, without condiment Adjectives Food and drink Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Adverbs Log in to hear
capóg dock leaf Plants Everyday phrases Countryside Food and drink Geographical terms Log in to hear
brocach tá d'éadan bróch brocach salach dirty, filthy Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Objects Language Log in to hear
codramanta c. le bainne, "clotty" with milk, not hygienic (ML); bróch salach, codramant' (Sb). dirty, "clotty" Adjectives Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases Health Log in to hear
marbh-fáisc is iomaí mara fáisc a chuir Ned air, cursed him often, saying 'mara fáisc air'. curse Activities Feelings People Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
cambaí bhí cambaí ann (MC); na cambaí daoiní (a host of fairies) ar a' tsraith sin ar chúl a' droichidín (Wm) crowd(s), host(s) Folklore Animals Feelings Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
scuata scuata mrá agus páistí. crowd Activities People Feelings Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
coirbhthe fear coirbthí, a cross man, would jump at you; tá sé coirbthí inniú, níl aon ghráinne tobac aige cross, short-tempered Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases People Personality Log in to hear
criogaire cricket (BS); she has the same pronunciation for 'cigire'. Activities Language People Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
baltaí na cow's baren (note the first a is short) Animals Farming life Everyday phrases Adjectives Feelings Log in to hear
seadú (tá) an ghaoth a' seadú, continuing, not settling or abating; (duine) a' seadú, ( a person) staying on in a house (instead of going home as he should continuing, staying on Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
tiogainní come on, I have heard teanamaí also used to address more than one person Everyday phrases Conversation Language People Activities Log in to hear
gaéthe is fuar a' gaéthe é sin (TmB); tá gaéthe beag fuar a' tíocht aníos annsin. cold sting, breeze Adjectives Weather Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases Log in to hear