Irish English Tags Audio
bhain lena cnaganna he knocked on it with his hooves Activities Animals Physical contact Objects Verbs
agus isteach leis an doras and in went the door Objects Verbs Everyday phrases Physical contact The home
agus tháinic an bhata isteach ina dhiaidh and the stick came in after him Objects Verbs Everyday phrases Physical contact Animals
agus d'imigh an rubálaidhe a bhí ann amach and the two robbers who were in it, went out People Activities Verbs Adjectives Place names
agus chuir a learí (?) é and he put himself to rest Rest and relaxation Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases To be able to
agus ghabh 'a chodladh and he went to sleep Activities Verbs Rest and relaxation Everyday phrases Feelings
Ghabh an cat sa bhuaigh agus sa gcoirnéal the cat managed to get the corner Animals Verbs Everyday phrases Activities Objects
Ghabh gandal ghé ag a' drisúir the gandel went to the dresser Activities Objects The home People Verbs
agus gabh an tarbh, taobh thíos don doras and the bull went under the door Animals Verbs Objects Everyday phrases Prepositions
agus gabh an coileach suas, mullach an tigh, taobh amuigh and the rooster went up, on top of the house, outside Animals Buildings Geographical terms Verbs The home
dúirt fear acu go dtiontófadh ar ais, le haghaidh an t-airgead one of them said he would turn back, on account of the money Conversation Feelings Money Verbs Relationships
thiontaigh he turned around Activities Verbs Physical contact Adverbs Everyday phrases
agus nuair a thainic ag a' doras and when he arrived at the door Activities Everyday phrases Prepositions Verbs Places
fuaigh suas ag a' tine he went up to the fire Activities Objects Verbs Places Weather
agus chuir sé a lámh síos and he put his hand down Physical contact Verbs The body Everyday phrases Relationships